Carrefour takeover in the works? (Forbes), The UK’s Save Kids TV making its case (IC Wales) , Merchandising and marketing executive shakeup at Wal-Mart in the works (Associated Press), Sam’s Club now aiming to lure affluent moms (Wall Street Journal), US looking to take its case against piracy in China to WTO (BBC)
Wal-Mart eyeing Russian market (Associated Press), Looking to kick your crackberry habit? (Wall Street Journal), Retail sales flat in January (Wall Street Journal), Think kids are watching more video online these days? Not even Nielsen knows for sure. (Variety), The United Nations declares UK and US kids are worst off in industrial world (The Globe and Mail)
Pop-up retail: finally on consumer radar (Business Week) , We’ve known about the temporary shopping experience for some time (KidScreen), China’s trade surplus jumps 67% (The Toronto Star); Meanwhile, ad spending rises in China (Wall Street Journal), KB Toys gets US$200-million cash infusion from GE Financing (Businesswire)
MySpace makes copyright filter available to any video or music owner that wants to yank illegal uploads (Variety), Thinking about snapping up Hasbro stock? Read on for the low down (The Motley Fool) , New venture taking on iPod? (Wired), Online retail made as easy as blogging? (Springwise,
Grandparent market just keeps on booming (The Mature Market), Aussie year-end retail sales increase underwhelms (Bloomberg), Measuring the potential of the Japanese licensing market (L.A. Times), Children’s Place is beating analysts’ forecasts (New York Business), Kids are consuming new media at breakneck speed (Marketing Week), Meet the mind behind The Long Tail (Chris Anderson’s blog)