Callout for sports shows…

Kidscreen is working on a roundup of new kids series in development that have a sports hook for our Q3 magazine issue. If you’ve got something in the works, we want to know about it!
June 20, 2024

For our Q3 magazine issue (streeting September 6, with bonus distribution at Cartoon Forum, Brand Licensing Europe and MIP Junior), we are planning a showcase of new series concepts for kids that are geared around sports. If you’ve got something developing that fits this bill, please send a 100-word synopsis and a high-quality image to senior reporter Ryan Tuchow ( 

Game on! 

Image courtesy of Debra Brewster via Unsplash. 

About The Author
News editor for Kidscreen. Ryan covers tech, talent and general kids entertainment news, with a passion for kids rap content and video games. Have a story that's of interest to Kidscreen readers? Contact Ryan at



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