
CoComelon’s Nina gets a YouTube spinoff

Following in the footsteps of JJ’s Animal Time and Cody Time, new series Nina will spotlight the character’s Mexican-American heritage with a song-based approach.
January 27, 2023

Moonbug Entertainment is showcasing Mexican culture with Nina (working title), a spinoff of its popular CoComelon franchise that features one of main character JJ’s best friends.

Mexican-American toddler Nina has been part of the CoComelon crew since 2019. In her own series for preschoolers, she and her family’s culture, traditions and daily lives will be showcased through three-minute nursery rhymes. Nina is set to launch on its own standalone YouTube channel later this year.

Moonbug was spurred to create a new Nina-centric extension of CoComelon by audience research showing that the CoComelon brand is popular with Black, Hispanic, Asian American and Pacific Islander families, says senior creative director Meghan Sheridan

Our mission is for Nina to super-serve the Latine audience,” says Sheridan, noting that this extension follows on the heels of another successful CoComelon spinoff, Cody Time

Cody Time focuses on JJ’s friend Cody, a young Black character who has appeared in CoComelon since its earliest episodes. Cody’s series launched last May on a dedicated YouTube channel that has since picked up 2.6 million subscribers. Next up, it will premiere on Netflix in English-speaking countries on February 15. 

CoComelon has also birthed JJ’s Animal Time, which premiered last September. Two months later, it had racked up more than 33 million viewing hours on YouTube alone, according to Moonbug.

All of these spinoffs respond to kids’ need to see themselves reflected in the content they watch, says Sheridan. “Our audience is young, and there is a natural curiosity about exploring new worlds, meeting new characters and learning about social interactions.”

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