Snipple launches original content division

Starting with an US$8-million investment, Snipple Originals has already hit the ground running with four kids shows on its slate.
January 7, 2021

Philippines-based service studio Snipple Animation, best known for its work on Green Eggs and Ham and Ducktales, has launched a new division to develop original long-form content. Located in the UK, Snipple Originals’ initial slate includes five animated shows, four of which are for kids.

Snö (pictured) is a magic-focused adventure series for four- to seven-year-olds set in the far North. Peeled Prawn & Shaved Sheep is a comedy-adventure targeting kids ages six to 12 about two animal friends who join forces to fight crime. Cassidy’s Castle is a mystery show for six to 12s. And rounding out the four-pack, Wise Island Woohoos is an environmental edutainment series aimed at kids ages three to six.

Snipple Animation CEO Kaine Patel and Snipple Originals animation development director Karina Stanford-Smith are based in London, with the rest of the team located across the UK. There are currently no plans to open an office, due to COVID-related restrictions.

Vincent James and Simon Godfrey are also joining the Snipple Originals team as creative director and creative development producer, respectively.

Snipple has secured an US$8-million (£6 million) investment from UK-based Business Growth Fund (BGF), which will take a minority share in the animation studio. “Snipple is well-placed to capitalize on significant and increasing demand for new content from the likes of Netflix, Disney and Amazon,” BGF said in a statement.

Snipple Animation has previously partnered with the likes of Disney, DreamWorks, Warner Bros. and Nickelodeon.

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