The Life Advice a Psychic Gave Me…10 Years Ago

By pure luck, I happened upon my notes from a tarot card reading on May 1, 2004. How'd that work out for me?

By pure luck, I happened upon my notes from a tarot card reading on May 1, 2004. How’d that work out for me?

To set the stage

I was 27, living in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, a town of about 5,000 people, where deer outnumbered residents by 8 to one, if not more. The nearest city was Scranton, and that was a 35 minute drive. I was single.

I worked for Highlights for Children, where I had been since I was 22, but I had recently interviewed with PBS KIDS in Alexandria, Virginia, and Scholastic in New York City.

I wish I remembered how much I paid for the session, but at least I wrote down everything I could remember she had said while my friend had her card reading.

The psychic’s name was Alice.

What was in the cards for me, as of 10 years ago?

Alice the Psychic says she saw a lot of confusion for me. Things are up and down, but I’m going to be happier. Ten years later, I wonder when aren’t things up and down?

She saw money improving. I wasn’t earning much back then and the cost of living in that area was low. Anything was an improvement.

I’d live near rocky or rough water – not a pond – and it would be up to 30 minutes away. My notes include me wondering if the Potomac River near the PBS office would be considered rocky or rough.

Someone would die because they’re not paying attention. It will be someone I know but am not close to. Thankfully, that one didn’t pan out. (That I know of.)

She strongly suggested I trust my instincts and first impressions. Remember, I paid her for this!

Alice thought my mom is worried about my move but she’ll trust me to make the right decision. When isn’t that true? Moms worry!

An “older, stark man” is influencing my current job situation. At the time, I added this commentary to my notes – “Stark like the Smoking Man on X-Files?”

“I see endings, things changing. Everything will work out for the best.” Yep, I did indeed pay her for this advice.

She said I’d meet a fair-haired and a dark-haired man. I’ll marry the fair-haired guy. He’d have medium to blonde hair and would be named Ken. Or, wait, it might be an M. At the time, I probably wondered if I could search for “Ken.” But regardless, my husband is a redhead named Jonathan.

“Take time making decisions and be budget conscious.” Phew! Good thing I got my cards read. (That was sarcasm…)

Would I do it again?

Probably. It was fun. She gave me generally good advice that every twenty-something needs to hear. She just happened to use a deck of cards as her delivery device!

PS: I accepted the job with PBS a few weeks after seeing Alice. So for our purposes, the Potomac does count as a rough body of water.

Dr. Carla Fisheis a game designer and digital content strategist with fingerprints on more than 300 games for kids and families. She continues her musings outside this blog via a free email newsletter (sign up here) that curates articles, videos, and games that catch her eye. She can be reached at or @NoCrusts.

Image © Dr_Colleen_Morgan

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